Silver Coast Hat 2022 - Portugal

Aveiro Ultimate

Sign UP Now!


The Silver Coast Hat is a mixed beach hat tournament organized by the Gambozinos.
  • mixed teams (5x5)
  • 2 fields (25x75m)
BULA recommended tournament
Since 2014 that Silver Coast Hat is officially a tournament approved by BULA, the international governing body of Beach Ultimate.
The 10th edition will be on the 27th and 28th of August of 2022, for the 4th time in the beautiful beach of São Jacinto (Aveiro).
Those who were at previous editions already know what to expect... beach, sun, nice people from around the world, good food, cheap drinks and a lot of fun in a homey and cozy atmosphere. And, of course, not forgetting the fun traditional Gambolympics!

The theme for the 10th edition of the Silver Coast Hat will be Ocean Creatures!
Silver Coast Hat 2022!

Registration & Fee


To sign up for SCH 2022, just fill out this form:

Sign UP Now!

There's a limited number of spots available (80), so don't waste your time! :)

What is included?

  • tournament t-shirt
  • water and food at the fields
  • party and dinner on saturday night
  • breakfast (only for the options that include accommodation)
  • some surprises ;)

Note: Friday dinner is not included. The dinner cost should be about 15-20 euros per person.

The fee depends on the accommodation option that you choose. Members of APUDD (Portuguese Ultimate and Disc Sports Association) have 5€ discount in all the options. Check the table below.

Options 1 night 2 nights
No accommodation 60 € 60 €
Camping tent (bring your own) 70 € 75 €
Bed (bunk in rooms for 4 persons) 80 € 90 €
Check below some pictures and more information about the accommodation.
If you want to stay more than 2 nights, talk to us and we will help you find the best option.
Children & Non-players

Children up to 5 years old don't pay anything,
5-11 years old have a 50% discount on the fee.

Non-players pay the same as the players and will have the right to the same things. Non-players should also fill out the registration form!


Payment should be made within 7 days after registration, to confirm the spot.
It can be made either by bank transfer, PayPal, MBnet or Revolut. Payment details will be timely sent by email.


If for any reason you're no longer able to come, we will refund your fee if you pull out before the end of July. We'll also refund 100% of your fee if you cancel until August 14, as long as you find someone to take your spot and confirm it until then. No refunds for cancellations after August 14.






São Jacinto






São Jacinto


How to get there?

Airplane (North)

If you're coming by airplane, the best option is to fly to Porto and then take the metro/train to Aveiro.

If you arrive at Aveiro by train or bus, tell us your arrival time and we should be able to pick you up and give you a ride.

For those who travel by car and arrive from the North or East, the best option is to take A29 and follow this route:

Aveiro (South)

For those driving from the South (by A17), this route is better as it doesn't depend on the ferry boat:

Ferry Boat (South)

For those driving from the South (by A17), and you want to cross by ferry boat:

The schedules and prices for the ferry boats (as well as buses from/to Aveiro) can be found here.

Player List

This list will be updated with the names of all the people who signed up.

Other informations

The table below will help you choose the right size for your t-shirt


Previously, in Silver Coast Hat ...

2019 - Sweets

2018 - Farm

2017 - Fruits

2016 - Circus

2015 - Super-heroes

2014 - Music Genres

2013 - Imaginary Creatures

2012 - Olympic Games